Professional outreach with GISCorps

For ongoing professional engagement I have selected GISCorps, a volunteer-based group which operates under the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association, an international non-profit that promotes "the effective and ethical use of spatial information and information technologies for the understanding and management of urban and regional systems."

Becoming a "Friend" to GISCorps is free and allows you to receive their quarterly newsletter and announcements about developments within GISCorps, including the amazing work of their volunteers.

Alternatively, if you are ready to use your GIS and geospatial expertise to help communities in need, you can register for free as a "Volunteer". Joining GISCorps with this level means you’ll be notified of volunteer opportunities that match your skills, and then you follow-up with an application. This level of participation includes agreeing to a GIS Service Pledge that includes a commitment from Esri for a donation of a one-year ArcGIS personal use license if you identify, design, and manage your own project supporting an organization, community, or cause consistent with GISCorps’ mission and policies (e.g., supporting a local food bank, land trust, or animal shelter). Some neat projects from recent pledgers are summarized here.

I decided to join this particular group after being inspired by the summarized GISCorps projects that included partnerships with NASA, international marine conservation networks, and various disaster management entities (just to name a few!).

To learn more about this organization, visit them here:


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