Lab 2 [GIS5007] Typography: Mapping the Florida Keys

This lab addressed how to create a map of Marathon, Florida and its neighboring islands using ArcGIS Pro and then export these features into Adobe Illustrator for labeling in accordance with typographic principles.

Within Adobe Illustrator, key tools used including clipping, color swatches (for consistent use of colors across different features/labels), and typing on a path (for water body labels). Additional options within the Align and Layers tools were critical when designing various essential map elements, particularly the legend and scale bar.

Customization to this map included the following:

  • Type distinctions for nominal feature labels – In this case, different kinds of features were labeled using different type families (e.g., cities were labeled with Arial font whereas islands/keys were labeled with a more scripted font). This allows the viewer to more readily discern the formal areas (cities) compared to the less formal land masses (islands/keys).
  • Type distinctions for ordinal feature labels – In this case, the relative size/importance of the cities and water bodies was indicated with the font size of the type used for the labels for these features (e.g., compare the size of the labels for the larger “Marathon” city to “Marathon Shores”). This allows the viewer to more easily discern the relative scope of these cities on the map in terms of population/land mass sizes.
  • Themed point symbols – In this case, four different symbols (i.e., city, airport, state park, and country club symbols) were selected for representing the point symbols to improve ease of readability of the map by allowing the viewer to quickly locate these items. Each symbol has a different shape and distinct color to readily locate it.


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