Labs 7-8 [GIS5050L]: Midterm Data Search


Created using ArcGIS Pro 2.2

This week's lab involved independently locating nine different sources of data sets to compose three maps highlighting various features within Brevard County, Florida. Goals of this lab included seamlessly using vector data in the form of points (e.g., cities, locations of invasive plants), lines (roads), and polygons (e.g., lake boundaries), alongside raster data (e.g., for elevations, land use, and aerial photography). Additional skill reinforcement focused on determining a common coordinate system to project all the data, clipping each layer of data to the county boundary, and then using map frames in informative ways to create the final set of layouts. The most interesting part of the lab for me was determining how to create a theme for each map. The most challenging aspect was adjusting labeling properties within layers to reduce clutter.


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