Lab 9 [GIS5050L]: Vector Analysis, Part 1

Created using ArcGIS 2.2.0

The maps above provide examples of conducting location queries in ArcGIS. The map on the left is an example of land parcels within the City of Pensacola that are within 4000 ft of the coastline and regional rivers/water sources. On the right, I refined the query to extract from the set on the left only those land parcels that were also within 100 ft of major roads. 

The training this week noted the importance of planning prior to conducting the queries to make the spatial analysis run smoothly. For example, this meant thinking about the order of the queries and whether one should return to the original data set or cascade the next processing step from the subset produced by a previous query result. I also learned how to recognize where query results appear within the navigation screens of ArcGIS and within any associated geodatabase assigned for storage. 

Finally, the training this week further and clearly emphasized the relevance of each of the seven steps of the GIS analytical process (define the problem, define the criteria, identify the data you need, plan the analysis, prepare the data for analysis, execute the analysis, and examine and present the results).
