Lab 11 [GIS5050L]: Geocoding & Network Analyst

Created using ArcGIS Pro 2.2.0

This week's lab focused on best practices when geocoding data, including following the four-step process of reviewing your table of locations for the best fields to use, choosing the best locator, mapping the fields in the most efficient ways, and correctly naming your output file for the results. 

Additional training emphasized how to resolve unmatched items using a combination of choosing a good basemap with street imagery, cross-searching in Google Maps, and using Select by Attributes in ArcGIS to narrow down possible matches. These skills were used in the map above to correctly place emergency management service (EMS) stations that were initially unmatched.

The lab concluded with an introduction to the Network Analyst in ArcGIS to determine the best routes between several stops on this map. This is shown above for three of the EMS stations. This part of the training emphasized different ways to adjust the cost of a particular route, using factors such as traffic flow direction and turn restrictions.


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