Lab 10 [GIS5050L]: Vector Analysis, Part 2

Created using ArcGIS Pro 2.2.0

This weeks lab provided an introduction to buffer analysis and overlay tools. The map above was generated based on locating intersections of great campsite locations within a specific distance of water sources and roads that were also outside of known conservation areas in De Soto National Forest in Mississippi.

The lab did a great job of summarizing the relevance of variable distance buffers. In this context, the map above looked at areas within 150 meters of lakes and 500 meters of rivers. The lab also addressed how to use ArcPy to quickly perform new buffer analyses (instead of using the slower toolbox settings approach).

Finally, the lab summarized the advantages of a singlepart layer compared to a multipart layer as an alternative means to more effectively explore the properties of each location in the map further.


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