Lab 2 [GIS5050L]: Own Your Map - Essential Map Elements and Presentation Skills Lab Assignment

Created with ArcGIS Pro 2.2.0

This map was created to highlight the location of the main campus of the University of West Florida (UWF), while also noting the major interstates, rivers, and cities within its home county of Escambia County, within the State of Florida. The inset map in the top right corner is used to highlight how this county (noted in red) is located in the western Florida Panhandle area. The larger map is used to mark the relevance of the notable features (interstates, rivers, and cities) to the location of the main campus of UWF, which has been highlighted with a red school-shaped building symbol. The color choice on the larger map (pale yellow) is used to enhance the river color (blue) along the borders of the county.


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